Sunday, February 13, 2011

Gary's Birthday.....2011 the big 65.....

 Graduation picture....1964
 2011  still the energizer bunny....(that's because he married a jackrabbit from Mesa High)
 Rachelle's birthday.....
 Big Lake 2010
 Big Lake 2010
 Gary, Dayson, Adam, Loren, Amaron, Sean, and Glenn...Rachelle is in the back ground.  Love our son's
 Dayson, Adam, Loren, Amaron, Gary, Sharlene, Sean, Angelene, Rachelle, and Glenn...just missing DeLona
 Gary taking a nap on Cole's bed.....thanks Cole for the use of your bedroom.
 Madelynn giving grandpa a new hair do......
                                       Our three beautiful daughters......we love them so much
                              Gary's beauty's
                      Glenn, Gary, Sharlene, Judy......
                 Gary, Sharlene, Larry, and Jan at the St. David grave yard.
                        Judy, Gary, Larry and Jan
                      Aarron Gary Merrill's resting place.....we love you
    Kay, Gary and lucky he is to have one older and one younger sister.....
     Frank, Kay, Gary, Sharlene, Judy, Glennice, and Ed at the Graham's September 2010
                 Larry and Gary......trip to Texas (Loren's truck)
                                   Grandma Sharlene, our oldest granddaughter, Sierra, grandpa Gary...track meet

                            DeLona, Gary and Sharlene in front of DeLona and Steve's Gresham,OR


~Merrill ~Millennial Preschool said...

Happy Birthday Grandpa!!!!

Unknown said...

Good job Mom!!!

Love the pics