Sunday, April 10, 2011

Conference week-end and Dayson's house....and Woodruff, AZ

Kalicia, Caroline, and Charlotte
Kalicia playing the piano for Grandma.....
Kalicia, Caroline, and Charlotte....with dad in the background.
Meika.....anyone for time-out?   so cute.
Monday dad and I drove over to Woodruff before going to Dayson's.
We stopped at the post office....we talked to a couple and she said that she was James Clark Owens.
One of the original adobe homes......

We then drove down to the Little Colorado River....many dams have been erected...none have lasted.
You can see that they just pump the water out of the river now....
We then went to the cemetery....Lucretia Proctor Robinson and James Clark Owens' head stone.
They are my great great grandparents.  My grandmother, Harriet Lucretia Owens Copley, was born in Woodruff, Arizona and lived most of her life on the Lasqueti Island, BC, Canada....My mother, Elsie Josephine Copley Lawlor, was born on Lasqueti Island and lived most of her life in Mesa, Arizona.  You can see that a pioneer symbol has been placed on the head stone.  They were sent by the prophet to settle in Woodruff...They had thirteen was Marion Alfred Owens, (my great grandfather)...and his wife Beatrice Ann Teeples, also had 10 children.  My grandmother and grandfather, Merion Judson Copley, and Harriet Lucretia Owens Copley also had ten children, and Gary Oba Merrill and myself, Valena Sharlene Lawlor Merrill, also have 10 children.

We took our pictures  at the welcome sign on the way out of Woodruff.

Then it was off to Dayson and Kim's house....Kim went to Missouri for a Head Start convention...Here Grandpa Merrill and little Adam are watching TV.
Carson and Harly had basketball games Tuesday and Thursday.   Harly is # 2....she scored two points in her first game....but they lost.
Harly #2...she scored three points in the second game and they won.
Carson scored some in his first game but he scored 10 in the game on Thursday.  ...#7 Carson

Dayson was filling in  for the coach.......

Grandpa Gary Merrill, fishing at Big Lake.....
More fish.....15  in 1 1/2 hours.....and that is not a fish story....

Little Adam took a nap everyday after Aarron went to Preschool....what a nice treat...we also took a rest.
Carson number 7 was the high scorer....10 out of the 22 points in this game Thursday night.
Carson with a smile after one of his baskets.

WE had a wonderful time.....gone for a week....Glenn took care of himself....rode his skateboard to the bus stop and then the bus to the Rail stop.   
 We watched Conference with Loren and Family....Dayson and his family came over on Saturday to Loren's and the men (also,Carson and Clayton) went to Priesthood together.  Anna, Kim, and Jessyka fixed hot dogs, to go along with the yummy beans Anna made, and the kids and myself enjoyed each others company....the men ate theirs after Priesthood.  We all enjoyed a wonderful time at Loren and Anna's.  Sunday we watched morning conference and then Anna's mother and  father, sister, Jessyka and her husband, Nate Boyd, their two children, Meika, and Jade, and friends of Loren and Anna, can't remember their names came over for lunch and afterward we watched the afternoon session of Conference.  WE played Scrabble Sunday evening and the girls played with their toys.
Then on Monday we headed to Dayson's...via Woodruff.  Kim left Monday evening after she fixed us a wonderful dinner.  Dayson had a busy week...he went into New Mexico on Tuesday evening into the morning hours, to find a stolen dog....he was able to find the dog and made the owner very happy.  Wednesday evening Dayson had to go to St. John's....when he got back from that he got a call to go to Verdon. someone had made a 911 call form the LDS Church he got home late.  Thursday, dad went for a ride along with Dayson to patrol Big Lake,  that is when Aarron, Adam and myself made bread.  Aarron helped me kneed the bread and roll out the bread for cinnamon rolls.  We had basketball games again and after that, dinner, baths, homework and bed..... after all the children got to bed and asleep...the power went was blowing really hard out side. Sometime around 3:30 AM the power came back on.  Friday, MacKenzie had her spring music program at school...we attended that and then early afternoon we headed home. 
It was a windy day....we were behind the rain on the way home...but it blew....Saturday it rained in Mesa....

Thanks to Anna, Loren, Dayson and Kim and the children for a wonderful week....we love you.

1 comment:

~Merrill ~Millennial Preschool said...

Thanks for spending the weekend with us!