Friday, June 10, 2011

Cade & Halee awards......

It is hard to get to everyone's   but we did get to Halee and Cade's awards....
Kashlynn and Krew got to come also....they do not like to have pictures taken of them...they always turn their faces.... Someone  behind us love the red heads...he had red hair also and wished his children had red hair....he asked if he could take a picture of them so he could show his wife who was not there....I said yes....hope that was OK.
Almost a good picture of Kashlynn....but a great picture of that girl!
                                 Cade and Halee together on the stage.
                             Both of our wonderful grandchildren....Cade and Halee
    A few of the spectators.....Capri, Brodee, grandma, and Travin.....(he was not to thrilled to be next to grandma)   Kashlynn in the background.

           Adam, Kristie, Capri, and Satya.....some how I missed getting Amaron in any pictures....but he was there.

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