Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Judy"s Retirement Party 25 June 2011

Judy with Satya who was the helper planner for her party.
Good job Satya.......You can see the other people in the back ground who helped with the party.
34 years working for the LDS Employment.
She started out with $2.50 hourly wage.

Judy loves (not) to be the center of attention!
  Some of the Merrill fans..Kevin, Grayson, Tressa, Jessica,  Courtney, Skylar, and Sydney
Added Weston to the picture
Satya, Rachelle, Lindsay and Molly Mae....
Valene (Merrill) Bryce and her girls....Corinne and Camille

Aaron Palmer, Brandon, Amaron, Adam and Travin
Aunt Jan and Jessica Stirland (Joy's daughter) (Jan's grand daughter)
Silva, Marlee, and Lori V.
Christine, Lola, Sean, Angela, Jeff,  Silva, Marlee, and Lori V.
    Louisa Payne, and Judy
Jana, Rod, and Frank

Capri, Judy, and Satya

Kimmie, Kaitlynn, Jesse, Lorina, Russ, Jeanie, Steven, and  Stephanie
Larry, Kay, Judy, Gary, (saying his two cents worth)
                                                                           Lola, and Lorina
Larry saying his two cents worth,
                              Gary, Sharlene, Glennis, Judy,-----Ed
                         Gary, Sharlene, Glennis, Ed, Judy, Larry, Jan

           Judy with her signed letter from the First Presidency
                                for 34 years of service.
Judy enjoying the entertainment.....

Larry, Judy, Kay and Frank

          Glennis, Ed, Lorina, Lola, Gary, Sharlene, Jan, Larry,
                                                                        Judy, Kay, Frank

  Larry, Kay, Judy, and Gary
Gary asking for all the nieces and nephews who lived with
Judy to stand up.
Adam, Judy, Dallin, Wyatt
Jace, Travin, and Cade
Kimmie, Jana, Shalene, and Rod
Caroline, Anna, Satya, Kalicia, Charlotte 

Jan and Kay looking at Judy's book.

Sorry that I did not get every one's picture....All of Kyle's family were there, all of Brandon's...Wyatt Fox, had a mohoak hair cut....Dayson, Kim and their family were there...Jeff and Angela...and there children.  Rachelle and Aaron had Angelene's children, Angelene and Zach were off celebrating their 4th Anniversary.  Garrett, Tatum and Dusty were there with their parents.  I missed Lindsay's the pictures....they were so cute.
The children enjoyed the New York mints,  the fruit & cream off of the pound cake and having fun with one another.
The rest of us enjoyed visiting and seeing Judy have her night in the limelight.

1 comment:

~Merrill ~Millennial Preschool said...

Congrats Aunt Judy! Nice pictures Grandma......