Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Roosevelt-- Spring Break 3-16.....3-19...2011

 Loraine Harris and Kristie icing the sugar cookies....humm so good!
Dallin and Grandpa

Wyatt Dallin Cade and Grandpa Merrill
Adam, Wyatt, and Dallin

Cade helping grandpa get the spare tire off the toy hauler

 some of the children......Kristie's cousin Jody came with her husband and children.   Cute children.  They had fun riding bikes.
 Grandpa Gary checking out the map to see where Kyle and Brandon were coming from....they finally made it.   They had a few stops.....wheel bearings were smoking....they stopped twice for that, they ran over a javelina....blood and what ever was all over the truck and side of the boat......but about 10:30 PM they pulled up in camp.

 Cade finally got his birthday present from Grandma and grandpa....lego's...... here is a couple of things he made.
 Travin had a spill...he hit his chin.....sleeping like a baby....with his bandage on his chin.
 Brandon and Shaleigh and two of their family....
 Kyle and daughter cooking breakfast.....
 Honey and Wyatt Fox....
 Brandon, Wyatt Fox, Gary, Kyle, Pipper, and
 Dad and I went over to the Dam....it was the 100th Anniversary of the Dam....
 Adam...pack up and leave time.
 Dad...Gary sitting by Adam's camp, Dad is helping!?....you can see our camp in the back ground.
 Travin, Kristrie, Loraine, Jack, Meaghan, Jaxson, Chad, and Parker
 Adam and Kristie had a flat tire on the way up....and just before Queen Valley on the way home he had another one...Dallin and Cade are helping
 Adam jacking up the trailer so he can remove the flat and put on the spare....but
 he used his, so Dad got the one off his trailer......here Kristie, Dallin, Adam and Cade are helping Dad.
All done....Queen Valley road.......Dad and I have have history....on that road.....took it just before Aarron was born.  We had a nice trip and enjoyed ourselves very much.  Dad went out fishing each morning with Adam and the boys....Dallin, Cade, Wyatt.....Dallin out fished everyone....


Unknown said...

love all the pictures mom!!! and i love you!

Kristie said...

Another fun lake trip...glad you guys could come again. :)